Saturday, September 6, 2008

Multiple Yahoo Messengers Login

If you have more than one yahoo account and if you want to login into all those accounts from yahoo messenger same time on your system, follow the below mentioned process...

Step 1: Goto Start Menu
Step 2: Click on RUN
Step 3: Type "regedit"
Step 4: Goto HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Yahoo --> pager --> Test
Step 5: Right click and select NEW --> DWORD value
Step 6: Rename the new key created as plural
Step 7: Right click on plural, and select Modify
Step 8: Change the value 0 to 1 and click on OK
Step 9: Close the registry window and click on yahoo messengers again and again to see that multiple instances of Yahoo Messengers are opened..

Windows XP Genuine

To make your Windows XP Genuine, all you have to do is, download the KeyFinder Software which am going to provide at the bottom of this post.. Then goto Options of the keyfinder.exe and click on CHANGE WINDOWS KEY..

Provide the following key:

Now save and exit.. Restart your system, and the process is done..

Click Here to Download KEY FINDER SOFTWARE